Jumpstart Development by giving the top idea a name.

Persuasive campaigns come from two steps of the Creative Resources Process, the Ideas Step followed by the Development Step. Ultimately, a persuasive campaign has three ingredients: A name or a title to give the campaign a sense of cohesiveness, a variety of communication tools and creative messaging to persuade the target consumer.

It is very common for the top idea chosen at the conclusion of the Ideas Step to have a communication tool and a little bit of messaging, but not a name for the campaign.

Development gets a jumpstart when the facilitator begins by engaging the resource group in naming the campaign. Making a quick list of names and asking the client to choose one gives the participants a starting point for messaging and creates a clear path for choosing campaign elements.

To jumpstart your next Development session, give this technique a try.

  1. Distribute the marketing objective and top idea prior to your session and ask the participants to think about potential names.
  2. Post the marketing objective and the top idea for the resource group.
  3. Engage participants in making a list of potential names for the campaign using questions detours to make the list longer. For example:
  • Think about the target. What kinds of names might be memorable for that person?
  • Think about the features of the product or service. How might they impact the campaign name?
  • Think about the client's brand. How might the name complement or support the brand?
  1. Ask the client to choose the name they like best for the campaign.

Now you're ready for a robust and exciting Development session where the resource group will add communication tools, persuasive messaging and a timeline that will make the campaign a reality!

Contact Creative Resources for more help with the Development Step.